September Gītā: 6.46
Here we see Krishna telling Arjuna that the path of the yogi is the one to strive for…
July Gītā: 6.46
Adhika is often translated as ‘superior’ or ‘better’. But in fact it can also mean ‘beyond’, which - in the context of this verse - seems more helpful (and less judgemental).
June Gītā: 13.25
In the Gita, Lord Krishna sets out three different paths for us to achieve the goal of spiritual liberation…
May Gītā: 3.21
Well let’s just remove the idea of great and common men, there are better words and phrases these days.
April Gītā: 2.69
This is part of the ’Sthita-prajna’ part of the Bhagavad Gita, the section describing someone who has steady sacred wisdom. ..
March Gītā: 4.7
Dharma is a word with many meanings and, in the context of this verse, it can be translated as harmony so that adharma becomes discord or dis-harmony.
February Gītā: 6.9
Both the Gita and the Yoga Sutras (1.33) offer us advice on how we should treat others. In the Yoga Sutras we’re told that if we can cultivate an attitude of friendliness, and compassion to others, our mind will remain undisturbed…
January Gītā: 2.58
We experience our world through our senses – our sight, our hearing, our taste, our smell, through our skin in our touch, taking this information from the outside world inwardly we attach feelings and judgements and craft our experience of life.
वक्रतुण्ड महाकाय सूर्यकोटि समप्रभ ।
निर्विघ्नं कुरु मे देव सर्वकार्येषु सर्व्दा ॥
Oṃ vakra-tuṇḍa mahā-kāya sūrya-koṭi sama-prabha |
nirvighnaṃ kuru me deva sarva-karyeṣu sarva-dā ||
O Gaṇeśa, god with the curved trunk, of great stature,
Whose brilliance is equal to ten million suns.
Grant me freedom from obstacles,
In all things, at all times.”
Gaṇeśa Mantra
Translated by Zoë Slatoff
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