March Gītā: 9.30

api cet sudurācāro
bhajate mām ananya-bhāk
sādhur eva sa mantavyaḥ 
sam yag vyavasito hi saḥ 

Even if the vilest sinners worship Me with exclusive devotion, they are to be considered righteous because they have made the proper resolve.
Bhagavad Gītā 9.30

Krishna is demonstrating the potency of the path of Bhakti and that any person may be transformed with the right spiritual intention. I lean into this sloka for the sheer sense of hope which Krishna provides. Nothing is set. There is no state of perdition for wrong-doing and of course a lip-service apology is not an answer but transformation is always possible; anyone can change their views, their actions, their desires, their emotions, their thoughts. The future is not set. We cling onto the idea that things are permanent and fixed, and yoga constantly reminds us that nothing is. Often this realisation is met with fear but with exactly the same realisation comes an equal measure of hope since something better is within a heartbeat for us all. 


February Gītā: 5.5