January Gītā: 10.20

Aham ātmā Gudākeśa
Sarva bhūtāśaya sthitah 
Aham ādiś ca madhyam ca
Bhūtānām anta eva ca 

‘‘I am ātmā/soul Gudākeśa/Arjuna, in all beings steady residing. I am first and middle and in all beings the end even’.’
Bhagavad Gītā 10.20

This verse is useful in several ways. Firstly the Sanskrit is simple and easy to learn, secondly it introduces a name for Arjuna which gives us some insight and lastly it’s a reminder of how everything in time is connected. 

So if one is learning Sanskrit these are all useful words that will reoccur. Sarva: all, ātmā: soul, ca: and – as examples. Gudākeśa is an epithet of Arjuna and gets translated in several ways. Usually it is translated as one with knotted hair, but this is not really Arjuna. Its real meaning is master of mula bandha which gives him the ability to conquer sleep. And finally soul/krishna starts life, is life, and ends life. At no point have we scientifically discovered what starts, continues or ends life at its precise moment. 


February Gītā: 5.5


December Gītā: 17.16